Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Fall Weekend

Welp.  Here's to a first blog post.  I honestly laugh at myself for starting one of these things (so yes, I will laugh with you).. I've never thought of myself as much of a blogger, because let's be honest, people are really not that interested in what I'm doing in the day-to-day, yet I have some odd desire to do this anyway..  Really, this is all selfish-gain.  I am excited about it and want to do it as a way for me to look back.  I am in that crazy transition of life you call the early 20's and I want a way to look back on it all-- to look back on what I am doing, what I am learning and where I am going.  I have graduated, am living in a new town, and am in the midst of making decisions that will affect the rest of my life.  My prayer for it all is that His will be done.

For now, I got to spend the weekend at home.  And. It. Was. The. Best.  Having graduated from college, I have come to experience a new appreciation and longing for home I did not before.  I look forward to the time I get to spend with my family, and have been looking forward to such a relaxing weekend with them since I moved to Greenville.  My parents live out in the middle of nowhere, right before a small town called Starr-Iva on the outskirts of Anderson.  A less than five minute drive from the Hartwell Dam, we spent our Saturday afternoon on a walk across the dam.  I went for a run and then met them at the bridge to hang out, relax and enjoy the view.  You have Hartwell lake on one side and the Savannah River on the other.  My mom commented, "it's views like this I just don't understand how anyone could not believe there is a God."  I couldn't agree with her more.

The weather this weekend was absolutely perfect.  My run felt like I was in the best shape of my life with how perfect the air was...I realize many cannot connect with a love for running, but I can often feel so rejuvenated and inspired by it.. I really do consider it a way to worship for myself.  One of my favorite parts about running are the people you pass along the way.  This gentleman and his wife were the friendliest.  And yes, I am a creep and pretended like I was getting a shot of the water before he passed..

I couldn't get over this view of the river.  I remember once in high school where a friend brought a few of us out here late at night to see the view at night time... I had no appreciation for it then.  I could have sat in this spot all day.  The trees were all sorts of reds, yellows and oranges, and you could see for miles. 

My parents.  They are gems and a half.  I can't get enough of the time I am able to spend with them. 
To weekends at home, I thank you for the rest you bring.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Anne! What a great way to remember the story the Lord is writing. I suspect you'd only regret stopping your blog too soon. Keep going!
